Membership Criteria

For a contract to be made a member:

  1. it must contain a clause making such contract subject to the CDA Dispute Avoidance Procedures, substantially in the form set out here; or

  2. the parties to the contract must have executed a side-letter making such contract subject to the CDA Dispute Avoidance Procedures, substantially in the form set out here.

Apply for a Contract Membership

Before applying to become a member, please read the following:

  1. Membership Agreement

  2. Anti-Corruption Rules

  3. Privacy Policy

  4. Dispute Avoidance Procedures

Request a copy of the Membership Agreement and the Dispute Avoidance Procedure here.

Complete one form for each contract.

Following submission of the application form, execute the Membership Agreement here. Please note that execution by you constitutes an offer to us and does not guarantee membership.

Following execution of the Membership Agreement, e-mail or fax to us:

  1. a copy of the relevant contract; and

  2. if applicable, a copy of the relevant side-letter.